
Monday 20 April 2020

Pack Your Suitcase


  1. Hi Riki, what an interesting read! I have really enjoyed looking through your suitcase you've made, and reading your list of essential items. I also really like the way you've asked your audience a question.

    You have some very reasonable items in your suitcase, and I think my suitcase would look very similar. I would also like to pack something sweet, like chocolate, just in case it was the last time I got to eat it. If you could pack one food item in your suitcase, what would it be?

    Let's continue to pretend your family are leaving New Zealand - Where would you travel to? Why would you travel there? Would you pick anyone up on your journey, or would you keep it strictly your family only? How would you travel to your chosen destination?

  2. Hi Miss Fleet.
    I think if I could pack one food item I think I would pack bread because it is the most fulling. My family and I would probably go to Western Australia where some of my cousins live. If I could choose the way we would travel it might be boat. But if it was my family it would definitely be a plane because after me and my family watched Titanic they would never want to go on a cruise ship!
